Tuesday, August 25, 2009

District 9

Do not let such an uninspiring title fools you, for this movie will definitely put you on the edge of your cinema seat if you allowed it to. Forget about the toilet, just make sure your eyes are glued to the screen all the time. Girlfriend talking to you? Ignore her or - better still - leave her out of the cinema if she is the type that cannot keep her mouth shut while watching movies.

Touted as one of the best movies this year, District 9 is based on the true events surrounding District Six in the past. If you paid attention to your History teacher, you should be pretty familiar with the term apartheid and this movie is a perfect reminder that even after more than a decade since the death of the infamous social segregation, discrimination remains a demon that cannot be easily exorcised from every human being's soul - including those who were once being discriminated upon.

Unlike the other typical movies these days where there is a fine line between good and evil, District 9 will have almost none of that. What were deemed to be the right decisions or things to do in the beginning will not appear to be so when the movie plot starts to unravel itself. I was able to sympathise with the struggle that the prawns have to go through even though they appeared disgusting the first time they came on screen. In a way, this movie managed to successfully reflect the true nature of humanity, which is not entirely all about sunshine and roses.


With a mere $30 million budget, this movie has managed to surpass and put Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen ($200 million) and G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra ($175 million) to shame. While some may brand this movie as Cloverfield 2 - especially with the trademark camera shaking and documentary-like footage - I would say that District 9 has a much more human touch to it where viewers would be able to identify with the protagonist, Wikus van de Merwe's ever-changing morality.

Paving The Way To Unity.

The only complain I have is the quality of censorship that was practiced by the Film Censorship Board of Malaysia. Though they did not beep the mass f*cks - suspected to be due to the South African accent which pronounced the word as fock - cutting off scenes of some Nigerians cannibalising the prawns does not prove a single point at all when there were blood and amputated limbs splattered all over the place throughout the movie. Since the movie events took place in Johannesburg, the English was very easy to comprehend so tell me, WTF is the purpose of having large Malay subtitle that covers half of the screen for?


I shall not be surprised if one day, we find ourselves travelling to some nearby countries with reasonable censorship and logical subtitle font size just to watch a decent movie with not much interruption.

The ending is not something that everyone will take a liking to for the movie leaves it to your own interpretation especially when it comes to Wikus' fate three years down the road. I see this as a clever decision on the director's side since he can always use this opportunity to start a District 10...

... or perhaps stop with this perfect ending and never have Christopher Johnson come back again.


me said...

yaya, i watched this movie too.....and cant stop thinking of what happened to Wikus after he finally turned into a prawn (but still has the human logic to make a metal flower craft to his wife).....will the christopher come back to cure him? will christopher launch retaliation on human after seeing his own race is spiced up like a real prawn by human? .....i give 10/10 to this movie, very entertaining! (but still, i dont like clovefield, f**k movie ^_^)

me said...

i decided to deduct 1 mark back, so make it 9/10 only....there are places that very illogic....1st, the government agency dont know to trace the Wikus during his 1st long phone call with her wife....2nd, lagi takda logic, christopher able to survive the late combat field, but just holding a metal "shield", and summore can sembang while with Wikus too.....wtf =.=

(e+ho)ng said...

Wow, thanks for the feedback!

Cloverfield was pretty okay to me, but District 9 is a totally whole new level! Unfortunately, some people out there who have tendency to suffer from motion sickness will not be able to differentiate these two movies from each another.

Pertaining to the first call that he made to his wife, I think the MNU was not expecting him to gain any access to a communication device. His wife - being the stupid, obedient, daddy's girl she is - must have cried her heart out to her father about Wikus contacting her and subsequently, planted a bug into her telephone which lead to the exposure on his whereabouts in District 9.

MNU did not send the whole military expedition into District 9 to capture Wikus; just a number of mercenaries. Moreover, these MNU mercenaries have taken a hit during their exchange with the Nigerian gang so that might explain the gap in time where discussion / persuasion was allowed. :D Anyway, I think they actually focused all their fire towards Wikus since his battle-suit is the only one that is capable of retaliating as Christopher is not armed at all.

me said...

seems like nobody else watch the movie.....@@!!!

i got recommend some ppl to go watch it, but still didnt got any feedback from them.....maybe i should recommend them to read your blog 1st ^_^

(e+ho)ng said...

If you are expecting more responses in my blog, then forget it since participation have been steadily dwindling.

I actually prefer to have readers who knew me since I do not write for the public.