Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Real problem

So, I am under the impression that my first entry which emphasized on the word f*ck got people all worried and I sincerely apologize for that. I hope you understand that there are certain stuff that is not appropriate to be shared and when I say that, you can be darned sure that it is something much more serious than revealing the size of my balls.

Problem? How big a problem of mine can be?

Let me tell you something. Over the course of 3 years in Universiti Utara Malaysia, I met all kind of people but there was this happy-go-lucky lazy bum coursemate of mine, Mak Soon Hong who astonished me to no end. He would skip most of his lectures and touch no part in any group projects.

One day, I got so pissed off and decided to throw the whole Expert System project to him, expecting nothing to come up during project presentation but somehow, he managed to complete the project in time.

I still remember vividly how he once told me that if the problem can be solved with money, then it is never a problem.

That, my friends, is how severe my problem is.


In case you are wondering, my coursemate did not complete his degree with the reason unbeknownst to anybody.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fuck all

Fuck you, probability for there was never a 0% nor 100% to begin with.

And fuck you too, impossibility.

I'll reserve God for now, even though I cannot be sure that He even existed in the first place.

Thursday, April 23, 2009



... is knowing that you might - or might not - have hurt your loved one and yet, powerless in getting the problem resolved. :'(


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How to speak fluent Japanese without saying a word

I recently watched this series of YouTube clips by Ken Tanaka - assisted by RemiFebruary - which I find to be pretty hilarious and worth sharing.

He made a lot of videos with the intent of discovering his biological parents though I can't vouch on how true his claim is. Nevertheless, the How To Speak Fluent Japanese Without Saying A Word series has 3 clips at the moment so do enjoy them!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Answer: The Monty Hall Problem

What a lousy number of participation I had for this simple quiz of mine. I guess my blog readers just hate to think too much or too complex.


I'll make this entry brief and short since it did not attract much in the first place.

The answer is, you should SWITCH. Not must, but should - unless you are the type that enjoys going against the law of probability.

My previous entry gave you two choices on three doors, which might not reflect much but if the host was to increase those doors to around 100, I believe that you should be able to see a much clearer picture now.

When you select the first door, you have undoubtedly a probability of 1/100 to strike it right.

Then, the host starts to open up 98 doors, one by one which revealed nothing but 98 goats behind them. Only two doors remain, one which you had initially selected while the other one which the host has mysteriously left closed.

Compare your first choice against the outcome that stands in front of you now. 1/100 versus 1/2. Do you still think that your first guess will bring you any closer to a brand new car?

For those who only understand mathematics equation, below are your tables with the first one calculating the odds if you had stayed:

Door ADoor BDoor CResult

As you can see, you'll only have 1/3 probability in getting the car if you advocated to stay. Let us see what is the result if you switched:

Door ADoor BDoor CResult

The second table above is never required but in case that you are sceptical, here is you car key, Einstein.