Friday, March 20, 2009

VSS (Very Suey Siao)

So by now everyone would have read that Dell is offering VSS (Voluntary Separation Scheme) package to its employees in all 3 plants in Malaysia. I find it amusing how the HR classified this news as confidential during the mass meeting held last Wednesday and yet, all major newspapers managed to catch wind of it and print it out by Thursday morning.


No thanks to that, I have barrage of calls to answer with everyone giving me their piece of mind about the VSS offer. Common logic says that I should reject it right away especially in the current state of world economy that we are in where vacancy is scarce and money is hard to come by. Unfortunately life, like a game of chess, requires us to think a few steps ahead and this changes the whole picture upside down.

Boss declared that our department is doing good financially so there is no need for us to worry. In fact, he prohibited us from applying the VSS, proclaiming that he will reject it on the spot.

Hmm... good boss or bad boss? From the outlook, he is defending his subordinates' well-being but we never know if his agenda was to prevent his team from being understaffed since he will have a hard time replacing outgoing underlings.

The usual path a company will take during a crisis of this proportion would be:

  • VSS
  • Eliminates OT
  • Cuts salary
  • Retrenchment
What my colleagues fear is that in the event that we stayed but the condition did not show any sign of improvement, we might have to go through another round of VSS, with this time being forced to apply instead. The offer might not be good by then as compared to the current formula that they proposed 2 days ago which will land me with 6 months worth of salary:

VSS = (years * 1.5 months) + 1 month + notice period (default = 2)


Truly indecisive indeed.

On the other hand, a lady employee was rumoured to be molested by an interviewee outside our cafeteria yesterday morning. I was not there to witness it first hand hence I am not able to validate this but the whole floor was talking about it so I guess there should be a speckle of truth in that rumour. It was unlucky for the perpetrator as well since the boyfriend of the lady whose breasts he fondled was watching her from his car after dropping her off about 10 meters away. A chase ensued before the guy was caught and subsequently, apprehended to the police.

What has this world comes to? =.="

I guess everyone in Dell is undergoing VSS after all.

Very suey siao.


e$tHer said...

Do u answer the phone call until "kia"? like Everyone is asking the same question and u r answering the same answer?

(e+ho)ng said...

I almost made a voice recording to answer this kind of telephone calls. :P

e$tHer said...

Hahahaha... this kind of fella very annoying le... for me, hate those kind of ppl. Kepo is the main reason, "concern" is just the excuses...

Anonymous said...

Reading this threat let me think of Jimmy Chai, who work for 7+ years, answering all these 'funny' calls..
Honestly, me really 'sien' for this....feel like 'entertainer' more than a 'specialist' -.-"

(e+ho)ng said...

I like the last line. :)

Leave for a better prospect out there or climb up the corporate ladder.

You are now a POD leader which should be taken as a good 1 step ahead, no? :)

Anonymous said...

Alan, when i was with dell many yr back we are doing real tech support. lately few yr that we... oops..(i am no longer dellian :P) dell focus on so call CE then the funny call appear.
As of why i leave, (alot of ppl think i won't, even my GF want me to wait for VSS, which will ended as not approve haha..) is a kind of hard decision but i will still proud to be a ex-dellian and is a correct decision to move. give u a hint.. even if i waited for VSS with i will get about 50K+. with current economy i dont think i can get the chance to join where i work now. besite that.. the exposure, experience, learning and alot of other staff that you cant learn in dell.. i believe it is still worth it. This make me recall of the "Think Out of Box" course. The Lecturer said"A Success ppl will not stay at same position for more 2-3yr,If you still in the same position you should get transfer to resign." think of it, is quite right. just imagine. what if i resign 4yr back. The Experience obtian, tech, management i learn, most importantly your increament of salary when u change job, i would said is far more higher that i have now and i might be in C1-C2 level. Please dont get me wrong. I am not advicing you all to leave but just sharing of my tot. Later BK will give me a call agian ask me to yam cha with him... hahaha.. wish u all luck in dell. - Jimmy Chai

(e+ho)ng said...

Wow Jimmy, I never knew that you read my blog! O_o" I think it must be Choon Hiang that directed you here. :P

Nevertheless, I shall forward your message to Alan.

Last but not least, thank you very much for the eye-opening advice.

~~詠鉌の物語~~ said...

Just receive SMS from EH, I quickly online to here...

Your advise or sharing really make me firm/confidance on my planning now. :-)
What a valuable advise i had today!
All the best to you, Jimmy Chai (my respective senior)

Anonymous said...

Wish both of you luck and Plan well especiall with current economy. my company is hiring if you want hehe.. u know what to do.