Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Google <3 Islam?

Try using Google for a day and it should not take you long to realize that the autocomplete feature can sometimes come up with eyebrow-raising results that make you go WTF?! In case you have never heard of it before, it is basically a mechanism that suggests or predicts what are the words or phrases that you are going to type without the need to complete the whole line.

However, recently there has been a big hoo-ha when it was discovered that Google's autocomplete feature somehow favours a certain religion as displayed below. Note that I only tested six religions with the most number of followers.

Christianity is bullshit.

Hinduism is monotheistic.

Buddhism is not a religion.

Sikhism is false.

Judaism is false.

Islam is ?

Go on, give it a try if you are sceptical about these screenshots. Few websites claimed that Google has acknowledged this as a bug but hey, the earliest website that I found to report this issue was written on 17 December 2009; this must be one die hard bug!



me said...

yo, everything happened in such a way, just because you are MALAYsian, and you live in MALAYsia.

that's explain all!

(e+ho)ng said...

This bug is not only confined to Google Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)

(e+ho)ng said...


Chin Hock said...

nia meh! i think dats bcoz u live in MY. get any of your overseas fren 2 searchi 4 it again 2 c d result...

(e+ho)ng said...

@Chin Hock:
It was the same as I tested them on both our local line and the US proxy.

Unfortunately, it looks like the results above are no longer replicable. :)

Anonymous said...

i search again just now, google says islam is evil now....

by some1 u noe.